تم تطوير اللعبة ونشرها بواسطة
عام 2002 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن 2 فقط فاليابان.
الموسوعة العربية للألعاب القديمة .(ملاحظة:المدونة قيد التعديل حاليا)
Warriors of Might and Magic . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة ونشرها بواسطة
The 3DO Company
عام 2001 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن تو وبلي ستيشن ون .
صدرت عدة نسخ للعبة ولكن كلها تتشابه من ناحية القصة وتدور قصة اللعبة حول البطل الرون الذي يتم اتهامه ظلما بأرتكاب جريمة استحظار الأرواح حيث يجبر على ارتداء قناع عقابا على جرائمه حيث ان هذا القناع يعمل على جذب الوحوش له مثل المغانطيس فيذهب في مغامرة عبر عدة مراحل يحاول فيها التخلص من القناع بأي طريقة ويقاتل فيها الكثير من الوحوش التي تظهر امامه للوصول الى هدفه ، حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات متوسطة إجمالا.
Warriors of Might and Magic is an action role-playing game developed and released by The 3DO Company for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and Game Boy Color in 2000. The three versions, although they all follow a similar storyline, are each unique, especially the GBC version which is presented in 2D instead of 3D and has an almost completely different story. Each version of the game centers around the protagonist Alleron, who is wrongfully accused of committing necromancy and is exiled in result. He is forced to wear the Mask of the Accused as a punishment for his crimes which acts as a magnet to monsters. It is difficult to determine when the events of Warriors of Might takes place in the Might and Magic timeline. However, it's speculated that it takes place in between Heroes of Might and Magic III and Heroes IV.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Naughty Dog
Sony Computer Entertainment
عام 2001 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
لعبة بلاتفورمر من نفس مطوري لعبة كراش سابقا ،وتتبع البطل جاك الذي يذهب في مغامرة يحاول فيها انقاذ صديقه ديكستر الذي يتحول الى احد الخارجي عن القانون ويحاول مساعدته فالرجوع الى طبيعته على حسب القصة ،تقدم اللعبة العديد من المهمات المختلفة والألعاب المصغرة والألغاز لأنهائها ،حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا وتعتب احد افضل الألعاب من ناحية الجرافكس في وقتها .
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is a 2001 platform video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was developed for 24 months with a budget of US$14 million, and released exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 2 on December 3, 2001 as the first game of the Jak and Daxter series. Development began in January 1999.
The game follows the protagonist, Jak, as he tries to help his friend Daxter after he transforms into an ottsel (a fictional hybrid of an otter and a weasel). With the help of Samos the Sage, the pair learn that they must save their world from the antagonists Gol and Maia, who plan to flood it with Dark Eco. The game offers a large range of missions and minigames as well as puzzles and platform elements that the player must complete to proceed.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy received critical acclaim upon release. Most critics praised the game's variety. Many critics agreed that the game had some of the best looking graphics at the time of its release. By 2002, the game had sold a total of over 1 millions copies worldwide and by 2007, it had sold 2 million in the United States alone.
Ratchet & Clank . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Insomniac Games
Sony Computer Entertainment
عام 2002 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
لعبة ثري دي بلاتفورمر واول العاب سلسلة راتشت و كلانك وتتحدث القصة عن شخصية راتشت الذي يلتقي بالروبوت كلانك ويذهبون في مهمة للتخلص من احد الأشرار الذي ينوي تدمير كواكبهم وانشاء كوكب خاص به ،تقدم اللعبة مجموعة واسعة من الأسلحة والأدوات التي يجب على اللاعب استخدامها لهزيمة اعداء كثيرين وحل الألغاز على مجموعة متنوعة من كواكب مختلفة فاللعبة وايضا العاب مصغرة يجب على اللاعب انهائها للأنتقال الى المراحل الأخرى فاللعبة .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا واشاد النقاد فيها الرسومات والتنوع في طريقة اللعب وايضا الأسلوب الكوميدي المضحك في قصة اللعبة.
Ratchet & Clank is a 2002 3D platform video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2. Ratchet & Clank is the first game in the Ratchet & Clank series and precedes Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando.
The game follows the anthropomorphic character Ratchet meeting the robot Clank on his home planet. Clank discovers that the villainous Chairman Drek of the Blarg race plans to create a new planet for his species, destroying other planets in the process. Clank convinces Ratchet to help him in his mission to gain the help of the famous superhero Captain Qwark.
The game offers a wide range of weapons and gadgets that the player must use to defeat numerous enemies and solve puzzles on a variety of different planets in the fictional "Solana" galaxy. The game also includes several mini-games, such as racing or hacking, which the player must complete to proceed. The game was positively received by critics, who praised the graphics and variety of gameplay, along with the comic and humorous style to the sci-fi story.
Worms 4: Mayhem . ps2 . visit hashtag #playpstwo for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
عام 2005 ﻷجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
هية لعبة استراتيجية من سلسلة وورمز مثل سابقتها وورمز 3دي عدى ان هذه النسخة يمكن للاعب فيها ان يعدل من شكل ومظهر الوورمز واضافة النظارات او القبعات او الخوذات والقفازات وغيرها ،وكذلك ايضا انشاء اسلحة فريدة خاصة بهم في ميزة جديدة تسمى مصنع السلاح ،تحتوي اللعبة ايضا على متجر حيث يمكن للاعب فيه شراء مختلف المواد لتزويد الشخصية باستخدام النقاط التي يكسبها من انهاء المهمات ،حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات مختلطة الى إيجابية إجمالا.
Worms 4: Mayhem is an artillery strategy game in the Worms series developed by Team17. It is much like its 3D predecessor Worms 3D, except that players can customize their worm's appearance (hats/helmets, glasses, facial hair, gloves/hands) as well as create their own unique weapons in a new feature called "The Weapon Factory." The game also contains a shop where players can buy various items, using points won by completing story missions, challenges or unlocking trophies. Shop items include new maps, new accessories and attire, personality banks (voices) and game styles. There are several new weapons and utilities included in the new game such as Bubble Trouble, Icarus Potion, Poison Arrow, Sniper Rifle, InflatableScouser, Tail Nail and Starburst (which, in fact, only replaces the Kamikaze). Unlike previous Worms games, Worms 4: Mayhemprovides cutscenes before each story mission to reveal background information.
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
ونشرتها سيجا
عام 2004 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن 2.
جيم بلي هذه اللعبة شبيهة باللعبة السابق
wrath of heaven
مع اضافة امكانية سحب الجثث ونقلها من مكان الى آخر وايضا امكانية قتل شخصين بظربة قاضية عند وجودهم معا ،وفي قصة اللعبة يذهب الأبطال مرة اخرى في مهمة من اجل استكشاف من وراء تدمير وقتل كل من في القرية عبر عدة مراحل مختلفة .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات مختلطة بين الأيجابي والمتوسط إجمالا.
هذه اللعبة مقترحة من @joori99o
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows (Tenchu: Kurenai 天誅紅 in Japan), is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by K2 LLC and published by From Software in Japan and Sega worldwide for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. The PlayStation Portable version of the game, Tenchu: Kurenai Portable, was released in Japan in 2010.
This game is much like that of Wrath of Heaven, the previous entry in the series, with the ability to drag off the victims' dead bodies after a kill making a return. Instead of Kanji points being increased after a stealth kill, scrolls are gathered. Double stealth kills are possible when two enemies are together. Each stealth kill has a name listed below as it's played out.
In a time of feudal wars, Rikimaru and Ayame, two ninja of the Azuma clan, served Lord Gohda by returning his precious daughter, Kiku, from the hands of Lord Mei-Oh. Unfortunately, Rikimaru was caught in a disastrous rockfall during his escape, in an attempt to save Ayame and Kiku, and is still missing. The land of Gohda remained peaceful after Mei-Oh's attack, and Ayame, as an agent of Gohda, continued to patrol the expansive territory.
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
عام 2003 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن 2 .ونشرت لاحقا لجهزة اكسبوكس ايضا. -
الجزء الثالث من سلسلة تينشو وفي تكملة للجزء السابق يعود ريكيمارو لأيقاف مخطط الشرير تيناري الذي يبني جيشا لأحتلال اليابان وعلى اللاعب خوض مغامرة عبر عدة مراحل لتدمير جيشه وحلفائه، هذه الجزء يسمح للاعب بالتحكم بثلاث شخصيات مختلفة طوال اللعبة للتسلل والقتال وشق طريقهم من خلال مواقع مختلفة في جميع انحاء اليابان واستخدام اسلحة وادوات مختلفة للقتال بها ايضا يوجد في هذا الجزء مود اللعب التعاوني حيث يستطيع لاعبين اللعب في نفس الوقت والتعاون على عدة مراحل مختلفة .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا. -
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven (known in Japan as Tenchu 3) is an action-adventure stealth game developed by Capcom subsidiary development studio K2 LLC and published by Activision worldwide and From Software in Japan for the PlayStation 2 in 2003. It was later ported to the Xbox in 2004 under the title Tenchu: Return from Darkness and to the PlayStation Portable in 2009.
A war is at hand. Tenrai is building an army full of dark lords and ninjas. Is simple goal is to conquer Japan. Only you can stop him from completing his deadly quest.
Set in the 16th century, you play stealth assassin ninja, Rikimaru. Returning from another place in time, Rikimaru has learned to master his shadow, gaining him further advantage in his task to seek out and kill those who seek to destroy Japan.
Using his stealth ability, you must search your way through mission after mission, completing quests either as Rikimaru or his partner in crime, Ayame. Various weapons and items, including the nimble ninja sword and the bow and arrow, will aid you in your quest.
Tenchu also supports 2 player co-op and deathmatch modes.
South Park . ps1 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Appaloosa Interactive
Acclaim Entertainment
عام 1999 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن ون وبي سي ونينتيندو64.
هية لعبة تصويب من منظور الشخص الأول مقتبسة من سلسلة الرسوم المتحركة الأمريكية بنفس الأسم ،تحتوي اللعبة على مودين اللعب الفردي ومتعدد اللاعبين وفي مود اللعب الفردي يختار اللاعب احد الشخصيات الموجودة ليدخل في مهمة للتخلص من مختلف الأعداء الذين يظهرون امامه بأستخدام مختلف الأسلحة، وفي مود متعدد اللاعبين يتواجه لاعبين اثنان في نفس الماب ليكون التحدي بينهما وجها لوجه وهكذا .في تقييمات اللعبة حصلت هذه النسخة على تقييمات سيئة للأسف بسبب الجرافكس السيء والصور والصوت فاللعبة ،افضل نسخة حصلت على التقييمات الأعلى من بين جميع النسخ هية نسخة نينتيندو64 ورح نعرضها فالحساب قريبا ان شاء الله .
South Park is a first-person shooter video game based on the American animated comedy series of the same name. The game was developed by Iguana Entertainment and published by Acclaim Entertainment for the Nintendo 64 in 1998 for North America and in 1999 for Europe. It was later ported to Microsoft Windows in 1999 and released in North America only. The PlayStation port was developed by Appaloosa Interactive in 1999. A Game Boy Color version was in development, but it was eventually canceled by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators, because they felt the game wouldn't fit in a console marketed towards kids. However, they did keep a few copies of the Game Boy Color version to commemorate what was originally started as the first South Park game. The PC and PlayStation versions of South Park were very poorly received by critics. A spiritual sequel was in development for the PS2 and Xbox, but was never finished and only some footage of the beta has been released.
RoadKill . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Terminal Reality
Midway Games
عام 2003 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن 2 و اكس بوكس وجيم كيوب.
هية عبارة عن لعبة اكشن سيارات في عالم مفتوح بها مزيج من لعبة تويستد ميتل من ناحية القتال بالسيارات ولعبة جراند من ناحية العالم المفتوح وتتنوع فيها المهمات التي يجب تأديتها ، حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية وتعتبر من العاب الكبار فقط لما يوجد فيها من مشاهد والفاظ سيئة .
RoadKill is an open world action-adventure video game developed by Terminal Reality and published in 2003 by Midway Games. The game has been described by Midway as “the only mission-based combat driving game set in a post-apocalyptic world.
Def Jam: Fight for NY . ps2 . visit hashtag #playpstwo for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة ونشرها بواسطة اليكترونيك ارتس
عام 2004 ﻷجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
لعبة قتالية تقدم شخصيات مشهورة من مغنين الراب العالميين مثل ليل كيم وسنوب دوج وغيرهم ، تقدم اللعبة عدة مودات مختلفة منها مود القصة و مود واحد ضد واحد وايضا مود البتل والذي يمكن فيه القتال بأربعة ضد اربعة مقاتلين وعدة مودات اخرى ايضا .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا.
Def Jam: Fight for NY is a hip hop-influenced3D action video game published by Electronic Arts. It was released on September 20, 2004 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube. It issequel to Def Jam Vendetta and is followed by Def Jam: Icon.
Def Jam: Fight for NY . ps2 . visit hashtag #playpstwo for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة ونشرها بواسطة اليكترونيك ارتس
عام 2004 ﻷجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
لعبة قتالية تقدم شخصيات مشهورة من مغنين الراب العالميين مثل ليل كيم وسنوب دوج وغيرهم ، تقدم اللعبة عدة مودات مختلفة منها مود القصة و مود واحد ضد واحد وايضا مود البتل والذي يمكن فيه القتال بأربعة ضد اربعة مقاتلين وعدة مودات اخرى ايضا .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا.
Def Jam: Fight for NY is a hip hop-influenced3D action video game published by Electronic Arts. It was released on September 20, 2004 for PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube. It issequel to Def Jam Vendetta and is followed by Def Jam: Icon.
DRIV3R . ps2 . visit link in bio for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة ريفلكشن اينتراكتيف ونشرتها اتاري وسورينت
عام 2004 ﻷجهزة بلي ستيشن2 .
الجزء الثالث من سلسلة درايفر، هذا الجزء يعود بمميزات كانت موجودة فالجزء الثاني مع اضافة القدرة على قيادة الدراجات والقوارب واستخدام الأسلحة والسباحة وايضا التسلق وايضا التحكم بأكثر من شخصية فاللعبة مع الميزة المعروفة وهية ركوب و قيادة سيارات مميزة فاللعبة ،حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا.
Driver 3 (stylized as DRIV3R), is a 2004 racing, shooting, and adventure video game. It is the third installment in the Driver series and was developed by Reflections Interactive and published by Atari. Driver 3 was released in North America for the PlayStation 2 and Xboxon 21 June 2004.
Driver 3 brings back features from Driver 2 and adds the ability to ride motorcycles and boats, use weapons, swim, climb ladders, and enter certain buildings among other things, controlling more than one character, as well as entering and exiting cars.
Although two Driver games were published between them, 2011's Driver: San Francisco is considered the sequel to Driver 3.
Batman Begins . ps2 . visit the hashtag #playpstwo for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة يوروكوم ونشرتها اليكترونيك ارتس
عام 2005 ﻷجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
بداية باتمان.تتبع قصة اللعبة نفس قصة الفلم بنفس الأسم وتعرض لقطات من الفلم لتعطي طريقة رواية افضل للقصة فاللعبة ، تتميز هذه اللعبة في طريقة اللعب بنظام استغلال المحيط لتخويف الخصوم وتوفر ادوات معينة مصممة لذلك اثناء القتال مثل قنابل الدخان والوميض وغيرها وايضا اسلوب لعب الأختباء التسلل ومفاجأة الأعداء التقليدية الموجودة في العاب اخرى ايضا.
Batman Begins is a 2005 video game. It was released June 14, 2005, a day before the 2005 American superhero film it was based on was released. A planned PSP version was cancelled. It was developed by Eurocom and published by Electronic Arts in conjunction with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainmentand DC Comics. It was released on Game Boy Advance, GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The film's original cast provided a voice-over reprisal in the game, with the exception of Gary Oldman, who portrays James Gordon, replaced by Fred Tatasciore.
Call of Duty: Finest Hour . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Spark Unlimited
عام 2004 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2 .واكبوكس وجيم كيوب.
اول العاب سلسلة نداء الواجب التي تنشر على اجهزة اللعب المنزلية ، ويضم قصص مختلفة تماما عن بعض في نفس اللعبة وهذه القصص مقتبسة عن احداث حقيقية .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا.
Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a 2004 first-person shooter video game. It was released for the GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox on November 16, 2004 in North America. It was the first console installment of Call of Duty, developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Activision. It was followed up by a sequel, Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, in 2005.
Although it is based on the original Call of Duty franchise for Microsoft Windows, it has a completely different storyline and acts as a side-story/expansion of the main game. In the spirit of previous Call of Duty games, it features six intertwined stories and battles based on real events from the perspective of soldiers on each side of the allied campaign (U.S., British, and Soviet).
The game's music was composed by Michael Giacchino, who previously worked on the original Call of Duty and the Medal of Honor franchise. AC/DC singer Brian Johnson provides the voice of Sergeant Starkey, one of the British commandos.
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Traveller's Tales
Universal Interactive
عام 2001 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2.
تعتبر هذه اللعبة الجزء الرابع من السلسلة الرئيسية والسادسة من العاب كراش ككل ،مرة اخرى يقوم كورتكس بتحويل مجموعة من الحيوانات الى وحوش لمهاجمة الجزيرة ويأتي الدور على كراش واخته للذهاب في مغامرة عبر عدة مراحل مميزة لكي يقومو بجمع الكريستالات اللتي ستعيد هذه الحيوانات الى طبيعتها . حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات مختلطة عدى ان الكثير من المراجعين للعبة رأو انها حققت بعض الأبتكارات مقارنة بسابقاتها.
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex is a platform game published by Universal Interactive Studios along with Konami and developed by Traveller's Tales for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and was ported by Eurocom for Nintendo GameCube. It was first released on the PlayStation 2 in North America on October 29, 2001.
The game is the fourth main installment (sixth overall) in the Crash Bandicoot video game series. It is the first main installment of the series to not be developed by Naughty Dog, and the first of the entire series to not be released exclusively for a PlayStation console. The story centers on the appearance of Crunch Bandicoot, a genetically advanced bandicoot created by the main antagonist of the series, Doctor Neo Cortex, who is aided by a group of destructive masks known as the Elementals. Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco must travel the world and gather special Crystals that will return the Elementals to a hibernated state, and defeat Crunch.
Critical reception of the game was mixed, with many reviewers opining that the game made few innovations compared to its PlayStation predecessors. The PlayStation 2 edition has sold 1.95 million copies in North America, and the game qualified for various best-seller ranges, including the Platinum Range for PlayStation 2, Xbox Classics, and Player's Choice on GameCube. It was released as a launch title for the Xbox Originals line of downloadable original-Xbox games for the Xbox 360's Live Marketplace service on December 4, 2007.
The Simpsons: Hit & Run . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Radical Entertainment
Vivendi Universal Games
عام 2003 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2 و جيم كيوب واكبوكس وبي سي.
لعبة اكشن ومغامرة مقتبس شخصياتها من مسلسل الأنيميشين الأمريكي الشهير عائلة سيمبسون ، وتتبع قصة اللعبة عائلة سيمبسون الذين يشهدون احداث غريبة تحصل في بلدتهم سبرينجفيلد ليذهبو بعد ذلك في مغامرة استكشافية للعثور على سبب مايحصل،حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية آجمالا.
The Simpsons: Hit & Run is an action-adventure video game based on the American animated sitcom The Simpsons, developed by Radical Entertainment and published by Vivendi Universal Games. It was released for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube and Microsoft Windows on September 16, 2003. The story and dialogue were crafted by writers from The Simpsons, with all character voices supplied by the actual cast.
The game follows the Simpson family, who witness many strange incidents that occur in Springfield: security cameras, mysterious vans, crop circles, and a "new and improved" flavor of the popular soft drink Buzz Cola (which causes insanity). When the family takes matters into their own hands, along with the help of Apu, they discover numerous shocking secrets, and soon realize these incidents are part of a larger alien conspiracy.
The game received generally favorable reviews from video game critics. Praise focused on the interpretation of The Simpsons television series as a video game and its parodical take on Grand Theft Auto III, while criticism mostly surrounded some aspects of gameplay. The game received the award for Fave Video Game at the 2004 Nickelodeon Australian Kids' Choice Awards. As of June 2007, over three million copies of the game have been sold.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Stormfront Studios
Electronic Arts
عام 2002 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2.وعدة اجهزة اخرى لاحقا.
مثل قصة الفلم بنفس الأسم تروي هذه اللعبة الأحداث بشكل شبيه بالفلم ويتحكم اللاعب بعدة شخصيات مختلفة من الفلم .
حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a 2002 action/hack and slash video game developed by Stormfront Studios for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. It was ported to the Game Boy Advance by Griptonite Games, to the GameCube by Hypnos Entertainment, and to mobile by JAMDAT. A version for Microsoft Windows developed by Ritual Entertainment was cancelled during development. The game was published on all platforms by Electronic Arts. Originally released in North America for the PlayStation 2 in October 2002, it was released in November for the Game Boy Advance, in December for the Xbox and GameCube, and in May 2003 for mobile. In November 2003, EA released a sequel, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
The game is an adaptation of Peter Jackson's 2001 film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and his 2002 film The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was released shortly after the game. As it is not an adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's 1954 novel The Two Towers, the second volume in his Lord of the Rings trilogy, anything from the novel not specifically mentioned or depicted in the films could not be represented in the game. This is because, at the time, Vivendi Universal Games, in partnership with Tolkien Enterprises, held the rights to the video game adaptations of Tolkien's literary works, whilst Electronic Arts held the rights to the video game adaptations of the New Line Cinema films.EA chose not to publish a game based exclusively on Jackson's Fellowship film, instead incorporating some of the plot and footage into their Two Towers game, which was released a few weeks after Vivendi's Fellowship of the Ring game, an officially licensed adaptation of Tolkien's novel The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Two Towers received a generally positive response, with critics praising the re-creation of sets and scenes from the films, and the epic scope of some of the battles. Some, however, criticized the game for being too short and the combat overly repetitive. The game was a huge financial success, selling almost four million units, and heavily outselling Vivendi's Fellowship game, which sold just over one million.
The Getaway . ps2 . visit link in bio for more.
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Team Soho
ونشرتها سوني
عام 2002 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2 .
لعبة اكشن ومغامرة في عالم مفتوح وتركز على شخصيتين لكل شخصية قصتها الخاصة فاللعبة ،اما ان تأخذ دور لص البنوك السابق مارك هاموند او ضابط الشرطة المحقق فرانك كارتر ،قبل نهاية كل قصة تتشابك احداث القصتين مع الشخصيتين فاللعبة .طبعا المقطع المعروض هنا يتحدث عن قصة مارك هاموند الذي شهد قتل زوجته واختطاف ابنه والذي يحاول جاهدا العثور عليه في قصة اللعبة .حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات إيجابية إجمالا.
The Getaway is an action-adventure open world video game developed by Team Soho and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 2. The Getaway is the first in the series and is said to have been inspired by British gangland films Get Carter and Snatch. Initially, the release of the game was to coincide with the launch of the PlayStation 2 in 2000, but was delayed by 27 months due to the difficulty of re-creating large areas of London in high resolution.
The game focuses on two characters each with their own plot settings, being an ex-bank robber, Mark Hammond and a police officer in service with the Flying Squad, Detective Constable Frank Carter with both plots running parallel and intersecting before concluding in the finale of the game. A sequel entitled The Getaway: Black Monday was released in 2004.
Max Payne . ps2 . visit link in bio for more..
تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Remedy Entertainment
Rockstar Games
عام 2001 لأجهزة بلي ستيشن2 وعدة اجهزة اخرى.
لعبة اكشن وتصويب من منظور الشخص الثالث تركز قصتها على الشرطي المحقق ماكس باين الذي يحاول الأنتقام لمقتل عائلته، الكت سينز او المشاهد المقطوعة فاللعبة تظهر مثل الألواح المصورة برسوم متحركة لرواية القصة ،حصلت اللعبة على تقييمات ممتازة واشاد النقاد طريقة التصويب واستخدام الألواح المصورة لرواية القصة.
Max Payne is a third-person shooter action thriller video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001 for Microsoft Windows. Ports created later in the year for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and the Game Boy Advance were published by Rockstar Games. A Mac OS port was published on July 16, 2002 by MacSoft in North America and Feral Interactive in the rest of the world.There were plans for a Dreamcast version of Max Payne, but they were canceled due to the discontinuation of the console.The game was re-released on April 27, 2009 as a downloadable game in the Xbox Originals program for the Xbox 360.The game was also re-released in the spring of 2012 as a downloadable game in the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 3 under the PS2 classics banner, iOS and on Android.
The game centers on NYPD Detective Max Payne, who attempts to avenge the murder of his family. It features a gritty neo-noir style and uses graphic novel panels (with voice-overs) in place of animated cutscenes to narrate the game, as it draws inspiration from hard-boiled detective novels by authors like Mickey Spillane. The game contains many allusions to Norse mythology, particularly the myth of Ragnarök, and several of the names used in the game are those of the Norse gods and mythos. The gameplay is heavily influenced by the Hong Kong action cinema genre, particularly the work of director John Woo,and it was one of the first games to feature the bullet time effect popularized by The Matrix.
Max Payne received very positive reviews and was praised for its exciting gunplay and use of noir storytelling devices. The game won a large number of accolades, including the BAFTA Award.As of 2011, the Max Payne game franchise has sold over 7.5 million copies. It also inspired a feature film under the same title.