الجمعة، 8 يوليو 2016

Chicken Run . ps1

Chicken Run . ps1 . visit link in bio for more.


تم تطوير اللعبة بواسطة
Blitz Games
Eidos Interactive
لأجهزة بلي ستيشن1 ودريم كاست
عام2000.ونشرت ايضا لأجهزة بي سي لاحقا.

شيكن رن مقتبسة من الفلم بنفس الأسم ، الجيم بلي فاللعبة بشكل عام يركز على السيطرة على احدى الشخصيات والذهاب في مهمة في المزرعة للبحث وتجميع  عناصر يمكن استخدامها للهرب من المزرعة ، القسم الأول من اللعبة يقدم ميزة التسلل قريبة للعبة ميتل جيير حيث على اللاعب التسلسل وتجنب الأضواء و الكلاب والحراس وغيرهم لكي لايتم القبض عليه وهكذا حتى يصل الى هدفه ويكمل المراحل الأخرى.


video game based on the movie Chicken Run. The game is a loose parody of the famous The Great Escape movie, which is based on World War II. The Game Boy Color version is a 2D isometric puzzle solving game. A Nintendo 64 version was planned, but later cancelled because of the introduction of the GameCube a year later.

Gameplay generally consists of the player taking control of either Ginger, Rocky or Nick and Fetcher, and searching the Tweedys' farm for objects to be used in an escape attempt by the chickens. This section of the game features stealth gameplay not too different from Metal Gear Solid, as the player will have to avoid guard dogs and the Tweedys themselves, in addition to searchlights, sources of light in general and noisy surfaces, since these will alert the security to the player's presence. Should the player be caught, they will be sent back to the entry point of the current area, and will lose their most recently obtained item. In addition, the player will occasionally have to push objects about, or use the environment in order to get to a hard to reach item.

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