الأربعاء، 13 يوليو 2016

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing . Dreamcast

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing . Dreamcast . visit link in bio for more.

تم تطوير اللعبة ونشرها بواسطة
عام 1999 لأجهزة دريم كاست .وبلي ستيشن ون ونينتيندو64.
النسخة المعروضة هنا هية نسخة دريم كاست.


مثل لعبة بنش آوت ،تقدم هذه اللعبة عدة شخصيات مختلفة للقتال ضدها ولكن على عكس لعبة بنش آوت فهذه اللعبة تقدم اسلوب القتال بجرافكس ثري دي يمكن للاعب فيه التحرك بحرية داخل الحلبة وايضا يمكن الأختيار من من قائمة المصارعين الموجودة فاللعبة للعب بأي شخصية ،تميزت اللعبة بحس الفكاهة وحصلت على تقييمات إيجابية والنسخة الأفضل تقييما من بين النسخ الأخرى هية نسخة دريم كاست والتي حققت نجاحا للعبة من بين النسخ الأخرى واعتبرت واحدة من ضمن القليل من العاب سيجا المتنوعة النجوم .


Ready 2 Rumble Boxing is a boxing video game developed by Midway and published in 1999 for the Dreamcast, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, and Nintendo 64. The success of the Dreamcast version led to it becoming one of the few Sega All Stars titles.

Like Nintendo's Punch-Out!! series, it features many characters with colorful personalities (i.e. Afro Thunder, Boris "The Bear" Knokimov, etc.); however, unlike the Punch-Out!! series, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing is in 3D, thus allowing for more control over one's character in the ring. Also unlike Punch-Out!!, players can choose whichever boxer they want from a rather large selection of characters.

Throughout the fights in the game, there is a special RUMBLE meter which fills up, one or two letters at a time, until the word "RUMBLE" is spelled at the bottom of the screen. Letters can be obtained by successfully landing hard blows; most such actions will yield one letter, though some particularly strong punches may yield more. Once the meter is full, the player can power himself up, enabling access to a special combo called "Rumble Flurry", activated by pressing a button combination. Each character's "flurry" is unique to them, and consists of a series of punches which does a large amount of damage if landed successfully.

One unique graphic feature of the game is the gradual bruises gained by players as the fight progresses (like hematomas and swellings), present in all fifth-generation versions. While this is not necessarily a new feature to games (it had been implemented before in SNK's 1992 game Art of Fighting), it garnered much appraisal from reviewers, because of the added fun factor this element supply to the game.

The Game Boy Color version was one of the few games for the system to feature built-in rumble.

The Dreamcast, PlayStation, and Nintendo 64 versions each have an exclusive boxer: these are, respectively, Jimmy Blood, Gino Stiletto, and J.R. Flurry.

Ring announcer Michael Buffer appears in the game as himself.

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